Easter in Bloom Live Wallpaper

by Kittehface Software


not available

Easter in bloom Live WallpaperTurn your phone in a paschal and peaceful mood with easter eggs and flowers.
You can set max 14 eggs amongs the 21 available types.Other eggs settings: vertical and rotation speed.
You can also add flowers on the background.Flowers Settings: Number, Size, Color and Speed.
You can choose one from your gallery pictures as background or one of the many hand-made 1473labs wallpaper available on Internet.
Enjoy my Easter in bloom Live Wallpaper.

Sorry, no Live Wallpaper on:- Hero- Eris- Moment- MyTouch- Legend- Acclaim- Aria- WildFire- Apollo/3 - Interceptand few others.
DETAILS TO OPEN:- please click the Home button of your phone, - then click the Menu button and select Wallpapers,- now choose Live Wallpapers section and find your Easter in Bloom Live Wallpaper.
If you cannot see the Live WallPapers section, your phone doesn't support the Live WallPapers.
=== IMPORTANT NOTE ===The permissions "Full internet access" and "Modify/delete SDcard contents" are necessary only to use the wallpapers available on the 1473labs website. Just in case you like them, you can set them as background and so these wallpaper will be saved on your SDcard.